Monday, September 27, 2010

Rated R

I'm talking about the movie ratings not about Justin from the Bachelorette. =)
In church we got on the topic of movies and it got me thinking. A few weeks ago my little brother and sister went to see an “R rated” movie. I was so upset by this and I tried to talk my sister into seeing a different movie. She didn’t think it was that big of a deal, because it was rated R for violence. I know that I am in no position to tell her what to do; it just seems so pointless to disobey something that is so straightforward. 
I am thankful that that I was able to tell my Young Women that I don’t watch those movies and I don’t plan to. There have been times when Caleb and I see a preview and it looks like a show we’d like but then when we see it’s rated R we’re able to put it out of our minds. We even planned on seeing a show while we were in Texas and drove all the way to the theater until we found out that it was rated R and there wasn’t another movie playing at the time so we drove back to our hotel.
I know we don’t have kids but I think what would we say to them if we watched rated R movies but didn’t think they should. It’s kind of hypocritical. In an article about preparing to go to the Temple Elder Kofford of the Seventy said “All too often, we get ourselves enmeshed in the process of trying to understand why God gave us a particular commandment. We want to rationalize. I don’t know where that is more evident than in watching movies. Young people know they should not watch R- or X-rated movies, and yet time after time I hear them say, “Well it’s only rated R because it’s violent.” What difference does it make why it is rated R? The fact is, a prophet of God has said not to go to R-rated movies (see, for example, Ezra Taft Benson, “To the ‘Youth of the Noble Birthright,’ ” Ensign, May 1986, 45). That ought to be good enough.”
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted or hadn’t seen some shows that were rated R. I am so impressed with my Young Women that were able to say that have not ever watched a rated R movie. In my situation I am blessed to volunteer at the Temple every week so I know I need to keep myself Temple worthy at all times. It makes a lot of decisions easier when I know that I will be entering the Lord’s house later that week.
President Ezra Taft Benson commanded us not watch rated r movies back in 1986 and I am grateful that with all of the things I struggle with, this is not one of them. I know that this is not the popular way of thinking (sometimes even among my LDS friends). But us nerds have got to stick together. =) I want to know what you guys think about this.


Denece said...

I'm far from perfect, and I'll be the first to admit it. But R rated movies just don't tempt me. I have a hard time when some of my in-laws talk about the shows they choose to watch. Why they want to pay to watch that filth is beyond me. And they're all temple reccomend holders. I was even more sad when my, then 6 year old, neice told us her favorite movie was 'Resident Evil'. Never having seen the movie, I couldn't tell you if it's good or not, but I found it slightly distrubing that this was a little 6 year old's favorite show. I know I don't do everything I'm supposed to, but some things just seem so easy to do. There are soooo many shows out there, just pick something else.

Sorry that turned into a way long rant.

Darrik, Kami & Brock said...

It's funny that you posted this. I have been having thoughts about rated R movies a lot lately. I have gone back and forth. Darrik watches them, and has since he was 9 with his dad, and I like watching movies with him, so on occasion I will watch a rated R movie too. My parents watched them a lot growing up but told us we couldn't and that we could decide for ourselves when we were older. So I watched them here and there. I made it a goal later on in our marriage not to watch them and felt good about that decision, but also felt like I was being 'holier than thou' towards Darrik when he'd ask me if I wanted to watch something with him and I'd say no because of the rating. Since Darrik has been gone I have seen a few rated R movies. I could justify it to you, but I won't because there really isn't any justification (I felt like there was at the time). Part of me also felt like I want to have something else in common with Darrik, so I wanted to watch them with him. But that is a silly thing to think. I haven't actually heard the talk, or read the reference stating that we are not supposed to watch rated R movies (or I have forgotten, or put it out of my mind). I just thought that we weren't supposed to watch bad things, not specifically rated R's. So for me I was basically claiming ignorance. I'm glad to know now, from reading this post, that it has been commanded of us not to watch them. I am going to re-commit myself to not watching rated R movies. I would like to be an example for my children and family. I appreciate this post. Thanks for helping me and inspiring me to be a better person. (sorry for such a long comment)

Jen Jarrett said...

Oh! What a good post! I love the quote. I agree. I see reviews and think a movie looks so awesome and then I find out it's rated R and I just push it out of my mind. I know everyone has their weaknesses and I have my fair share but it's nice to know that there is one commandment I am really good at keeping ;^)

Eric and Debbie said...

One time I spent the weekend with some friends and we were playing cards. Someone suggested we play a card game (I guess it was a gambling card game- but they just wanted to play cards without the gambling part) and one of the people and his wife made it very awkward in the room by saying, we cannot do that. President Hinckley told us all that we should not gamble. His next sentence was "Hey have you seen "Little Miss Sunshine"? We loved that movie." I was appalled. I wanted to say, Yeah and Pres Kimball commanded us not to watch rated R movies you hypocrite. Just because the prophet who said it is dead doesnt mean the commandment doesnt apply. Good for you Becky! This was debbie by the way, not eric.

M. Derek Rigby said...
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M. Derek Rigby said...

While on my mission in Brazil, I learned from my Brazilian companions that many titles that are rated "R" here in the states were actually the equivelant to a "G" or "PG" rating in Brazil. They would watch movies like Brave Heart for Young Men and Young Women's activities.
When dealing with a rating system that is largely driven by financial motivations, you can end up with a movie that is rated "R" because of one or two scenes that are questionable (and the makers of the film chose the rating that is received). On the other hand you can have a movie that is rated "PG-13" because of some arbitraty limits, such as it only uses extremely profane words twice, only shows some nudity, and only has some drug references. Therefore, ironically, due to its rating and not its content it's "OK" for us to watch.
I think the key with this commandment (and all things), is not to rely strictly on the letter of the law and say, "Well this movie is OK because it's rated 'PG-13'," but rather to choose not to offend the Spirit in all of our actions and in what we choose to take in.

Tami said...

I HATE that the feeling I get when I have just watched a movie that I should not have. I feel empty and totally without the Spirit. Call me a molly mormon if you want but it is just not worth it to matter how good the movie may be. There is a great web site that is my go to whenever we are thinking about renting or watching a movie. It is (There are also several other web sites out there but this is the best I have found). It tells you EXACTLY what is in the movie that may be offensive, and the good stuff too. I don't really even feel like I can see a PG movie anymore and be sure that I am going to get a good clean movie. So this web site has really helped me out to make sure that I know what I am in for. We really can't rely on ratings alone.

Romney said...

Scott and I don't watch R rated movies either. I loved the quote in this post! I'm glad you guys feel the same way we do about this!! I just don't see the reason for justifying seeing a rated R movie. THere are plenty of other good movies out there! Thanks for sharing this!

Michelle said...

What a great post and great comments. You and Caleb are such great examples! Love you guys!

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