Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stitches & Contact Dermatitis? Lame!

**Warning** this is a little graphic. If you have a light stomach probably just skip to the next post. =)

Last week I went to the doctor to get my keloids shot. (Sounds fun right?) Anyway, I showed the doctor this bump on my arm that I had had for a while and he said it is a granuloma and that he should remove it. I've had a mole removed before so I wasn't too worried. But this one was different. It honestly didn't hurt (besides the little numbing shot) then he took an instrument that looked an orange peeler with a metal circle on the end and put it right over the granuloma. He pushed down a tiny bit and pulled it up and the skin/granuloma came with it, except a tiny string of skin/tissues (I'm not sure what it was). I was pretty okay with everything that was going on up until this point.

Then he pulled out the stitches and started stitching the hole up. That is when I lost it. It still didn't hurt but I could feel it tugging a bit on my skin while he was stitching it up but it was too interesting not to look. I started getting tunnel vision and I could tell all the blood had rushed out of my head. The doctor had me lay down for a while. Awkward! Luckily, the only thing that hurt was my pride.

Now that you know the story behind the stitches... The doctor had put Band-Aids over the keloid shots as well as over the stitches. Later that day at work, I was in so much pain, but it was from where the Band-Aids were. I have always noticed that my skin gets agitated beneath Band-Aids but I thought everybody did.

Well I developed these nasty rashes and blisters everywhere that the Band-Aids were. It was so sensitive and hurt. One of the doctors I work with explained what it was "contact dermatitis" I am allergic to the adhesive in Band-Aids. Who is allergic to Band-Aids? Honestly?


Jen Jarrett said...

ugh! oh boozer! i wish i had been there to do something nice for you to help distract you from the pain! :( I hope you and doing better. that's sad that you can no longer use band aids. lol kinda funny too! ... but very very sad!

sav said...

gotta love the punch biopsy.. we do that all the time at my work. was it a dermatologist you went to?

Anonymous said...

I see this is a very old post from your blog, but I was doing a search about contact dermatitis and reactions and came across your blog. I get contact dermatitis from band-aids too! So you're no alone! It's so annoying. I can tolerate a band-aid for a day or two, but after that, a rash appears. I also had a punch biopsy, then a subsequent "surgery" to remove "pre-cancerous" tissue. The incision was about 2 in. long. I only wore a band-aid for a few days, but now 1 mo. later I'm fighting the dermatitis. It gets better & I think it's fine, then it gets "angry" again! (Remember when Ross on Friends had that rash & the Dr. put something on it. Then the Drs. all jumped away and said, "We seem to have angered it!" But I digress...) Anyway, I've been reading up on this and neosporin can also cause dermatitis for some people (specifically the one ingredient, neomycin). Have you ever had a problem with neosporin?

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