Saturday, October 3, 2009

Running makes me crazy!

Here are some of the pictures after our 5K last month. It was so fun having Caleb, Brandon, Marci, Jenny, Keirsten, Neil, Lael, Lindy, and David Fonnesbeck run it too.
This is me expressing how I felt when I got to the monster hill after the 2nd mile.
Here is Marci's interpretation of her feelings.
I always get a little self conscience that people might think I'm dying when I'm running but Aynna told me that she couldn't even tell that I just ran so that made me feel like a million bucks!
My best friend Jen came all the way down from Logan to spend the night and come support us. It was great to see her after the race. Momma Rigby and Indee were at the finish line waiting but must have missed me when I sprinted by because I had to find them. My sweet mom wrote "Go Becky" on her car windows and drove by (she probably did it just in case I wanted a ride)
Funny story: So Caleb ran with me the entire race, which was very sweet, but when the end was in sight I turned on the turbo and sprinted passed the finish line so I would have a better time than him. =)


Marci said...

That photo must be digitally altered because I swear I have never made that face. Congratulations again on running that 5K.

Buckwheat said...

That picture of Marci is awesome. It looks like she just smelled something rank, and now she's going to toss her cookies. And you look really sympathetic.

Jen Jarrett said...

You were the best runner in the whole world! I always love seeing you & Caleb and wished i was tough enough to run with you. :( Maybe next time... there will be a next time right?

Alyson and Jacob said...

Good Job! I wish I had enough motivation to run a 5K.

The Parks' said...

I'm proud of you Becky! Wish I had the motivation to run too :)

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