Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend Update

This weekend was so much fun! First, when I got off work at 5:00 my best friend Jen was in town for work so she hung out at Newgate until I got off so we could see each other. Jen lives in Hyde Park so I don't get to see here that often. Anyway, Caleb and I had a party to go to but we decided not to go because I just wanted to spend more time with Jen. I tried to talk her into spending the night because Caleb had drill this weekend but she couldn't. :(

I decided to take Caleb to Red Robin to celebrate his graduation. Way to go Caleb!!! With his graduation he was promoted at work to "Staff Accountant" I'm so proud of him.

When we were at Red Robin after we had sat down we held hands. Nothing serious we just both put our hands on the table and reached across. Two seconds after we were seated the waiter came and asked us if we wanted appetizers. It was so awkward. It was like we were in junior high and we had just gotten caught doing something bad by Mr. Daniels. (Rachelle you know what I'm talking about :) ) The rest of dinner was great after that.

Saturday I babysat Scott and Romney's beautiful baby girl Jocelyn while they went to the temple. She was such an angel! When we have kids I want to have perfect little children like her. :)

Saturday night we had a family Christmas party.... boring.... as Marci would say. After the party we went to the Howard's to play games, and eat Kristin's delicious birthday cake (even though Marci ate ALL of the corners, not even the birthday girl got a corner piece)

We played this game Boggle, and it was pretty fun. We let the Kristin win because it was her birthday. :) (Except Matt, he challenged her word "exo" and even got the junior high dictionary to prove her wrong, but she ended up getting the point in the end)
Caleb and Brandon played a pretty intense game of ping-pong while we played Boggle. (I asked Caleb how I should word this and he said "say we had a good time, we missed each other") So poetic.

Sunday after family dinner we played Scattergories. I LOVE Scattergories! Derek kept cheating and looking at my answers but I still killed everyone! Some of the best answers of the night were:

What is something you kept hidden..... (L)
Momma Rigby: Lingerie
Caleb: "You have lingerie? Sick"
Reasons for being late..... (M)
Me: Menstrual
Feliz: Making Out
I got a dirty look for putting menstrual but Momma Rigby laughed at Feliz's making out... not fair!
Things you're afraid of....... (A)
Caleb: Alpine Slide (then he did a crazy swoosh sound, silly boy)
Musical Instruments...... (M)
Caleb: Miano (he said he could only think of normal instruments with an M in front of it)
Things at the park...... (M)
Me: Muggers
There were some other really funny answer but I can't remember them right now.


sav said...

i too am a big fan of scatagories.. or however you spell it.. funny answers always seem to arise!

Janet said...

Hmm...canoodling at Red Robin, huh? Pretty daring. Exo is not a word! Love ya, Janet

Rachelle said...

Ok, I am literally in an uncontrollabe laughing fit about the Mr. Daniels reference. Pretty much that just made my day. :)

Michelle said...

Sounds like you had a fun weekend! Those were some pretty funny scatagory answers, lol!! Jocelyn's a little cutie!

Marci said...

A small correction. I only ate two of the corners. Jill and Kristin both got one each. I did, however apologize because I went for the corners on the un-cut side of the cake which we all know is a faux-pas.
Expo is not a word.

It's said...

Hey Becky! This is Michelle (Ahern) Arnold. I saw your blog on facebook and thought I'd check it out. Tron and I LOVE scattergories it always proves for a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Man that Jocelyn girl is cute! Thanks again for watching her we really appreciate it. We're gonna miss you guys. Keep in touch!

Jen Jarrett said...

LOL!!!! I love the game but what I loved most of all was seeing you!!!! If I had known you really weren't going to the Christmas party I probably would have stayed the night, oh except that I had to work the next morning anyways. Shoot! But I loved seeing you and when Caleb has drill in January - I am SO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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