Thursday, April 17, 2008


My friend told me, "blogs are only for people with kids." But we don't have kids, so I decided to show you a couple of things my brother-in-law Jed added to his List of why Caleb and I can't babysit Brooklyn.


Krista said...


How fun you have a blog! They aren't only for people with kids by the way. At least that's what I'm telling myself since I don't have any. This will be great fun!

I love Brookie! I can't help it that I'm her favorite aunt. It's cause you do things like THAT to her!

Diana said...

Seems like things I do. Perhaps that's why no one lets me babysit?! Tell Jed you just don't want to her to turn into a sissy.

Krista said...

Something you should know about blogs is that you need to update them!

Dr H said...

Hey this is Chris. You should add me to your links of webpages. I have one but it's mostly empty.

See you guys!

P.S. I just talked to your husband and he said he had something to tell you. Something about a "closet." He mentioned he was "coming out of" something. I can't remember. You should ask him. :)

Dr H said...

I know!! We can use your blog to find me a wife! Why didn't I think of this before??!!

Go on. Start looking.

Michelle said...

Cute! That's so funny!

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