Monday, August 2, 2010

EXTREMELY graphic post

Honestly, I am not teasing. These pictures are not for the weak stomach folk.

On Friday I had surgery to remove a keloid from my upper arm. Normally I have a strong stomach for things like this, but apparently not when it's on my body and I can feel/see it. It really wasn't that big of a deal but it was kind of gross. It really looks a lot worse than it was. I think Caleb was more traumatized by the whole experience than I was. ;)

Here is the pre-op picture with the awesome magic marker on my arm. I was worried Dr. Checketts was going to do an “I heart mom” tattoo but he refrained.

Dr Checketts called Caleb over to see this part and see if he wanted to take a picture. Ha ha rude huh?  I must have tilted my arm when Caleb was getting ready to take the picture because as I did, blood trickle down my arm. He was so distraught. I did not think he was going to make it back to his seat.
I teased Caleb about him not being able to be in the room during our children’s deliveries and he said “I can be in the room, I just won’t be playing catcher behind home plate”

I really thought I would want to watch the surgery but then when we got there I didn’t dare to look at it. I was worried I’d pass out so I had Caleb document as much as he could.

(the yellow around it is iodine)
I didn’t bruise much until the second day.
Lucky for me we had family pictures on Saturday. I took the bandage off because it would be too hard to hide in the pictures, then I was strategically positioned to make it work. =)

As long as I keep the wrap on it doesn’t bother me, but when I take it off my arm starts throbbing. I am supposed to leave it on for 3 more weeks so I don’t really have a reason to have it off except that the wrap bugs me.
Today it looks a lot better. The bruise is not more yellowish and almost gone; the worst part now is it is starting to itch.


Kourtney said...

wow I almost threw up with just the tat :) I am so not good with that kind of stuff

Amanda said...

OUCH! That looks like it hurts! Are you still working at the same place? Call me sometime soon. I would love to chat with you Becky!

Aynna banahna said...

Oh, I had no idea! I'm glad everything went well, and there were no problems

Michelle said...

Ouch! Hope it heals up quickly and hope you're doing good! We need to play! I haven't seen you forever! I'm excited for the guys 6 foot and under league to start so we can see each other at the games!!

Tami said...

Becky, I saw on facebook that you were looking for "Blogging Buddies". I haven't ever visited your blog until now, I think. You can follow mine if you want.

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