Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Salesman horror story

So let me tell you a little about my problem. I can't say no when someone is trying to sell me something. I often have buyer’s remorse even before I’ve purchased whatever it is they are selling. Let me give you a few examples: Sea Salt pedicure materials, nail buffer to bring out the natural shine in your nails (I had acrylic nails on when they sold this to me), a jewelry cleaning kit, many happenings books, and don’t get me started on the magazine salesmen. I’m pretty sure I get this awesome trait from my father. A few years ago their computer broke and instead of fixing it they decided to get rid of it. They weren’t able to cancel their Internet subscription so they were just waiting it out. Then when it came time to re-subscribed my dad gave in and signed another contract…they hadn’t even had a computer for the last 7 months! I blame him for my problem. Now here’s the story.

The Salesman Who Wouldn't Leave.

This sweet kid from Oregon was here selling Kirby vacuums door-to-door. But that's not what was said in the beginning. It started like this
him "hello ma'am"
me "hi"
him "you must be the woman of the home"
me "yep, what are you selling?"
him "I'm not selling anything we're actually going around cleaning people's carpet for free in hopes that if you like it you'll tell your friends and family about the product."
me "what's the catch"
him "there is no catch, this is just the cheaper way to advertise through word of mouth. Plus I don't have a face for TV"
me "you have a face for radio"
him "(fake laugh) good point so what do you say we clean your carpet?"
me "we just got new carpet last year I dont' think it needs cleaning"
him "we do upholstery and stairs too "
me "I don't think we're interested I'm sorry, thank you though"
him "well let me just show you how it works"
me "?? okay...Caleb, can you come here"

He started with this attachment to clean out the space by the sliding glass doors.

Caleb pretending he was interested. We were just waiting for him to shampoo our stairs.
Here I am testing out the couch cleaning attachment.

This is the couch that he was going to shampoo after he showed us how the vacuum/shampooer worked.

I'm doing some dusting now. 
 We had just got dinner before he showed up so I made Caleb listen to his spill for a bit so I could eat my food.
 He vacuumed our bed. It was gross, he told us some really disgusting facts that I was able to find here. I wouldn't recommend reading it while eating.
 He had to change these filters every minute or so to show us the amount of dirty/dust he was cleaning up.
 My house that was clean before he entered now looked worse than ever.
 Finally after many "NO, we are not interested in purchasing this vacuum for $2,650" he called in the closer.
There were multiple calls to "the boss" to see if he could lower the price. Even though we told him we wouldn't even buy it for $200. He still continued on his spill. Finally we told him he had to leave because we were going to a movie. (The Killers, it was way good by the way) His boss apparently came to help him seal the deal but we weren't having it. I don't care that he didn't shampoo the carpet or clean the couch like he said he was going to do.I just wanted them out of our house. That is 3 1/2 hours of my life that I will never get back. Thanks Kirby, I'll use my word-of-mouth to tell everyone how crappy/persistent your silly sales techniques are.


Tami said...

How funny...we just had the same kind of experience. Only I didn't take any pictures :/ Way to go for being strong and saying no!

Sierra said...

Ha ha I love the pictures! I can honestly say I hate pushy salesman. I realize it's just this kid's summer job, but it's not ethical what they do. So many couples do summer sales, and I just think to myself "You are the person everyone hates" :-)

Squibb Family said...

I feel for ya, I think we all have to go through it at least one time. Luckily, my husband was home the first time they came by or we would be the proud (not really) owners of a Kirby. Also, I am just like you. I can't say no, but it's not just to salesmen. We are the free neighborhood babysitters, storage unit, restaurant, grocery store and more! It's a lovely trait...isn't it! PS- I love that you took pictures too!

Rachelle said...

At our old house, they used to come by once a week. It was horrible. They are sooooo pushy!!

Jake and Milin said...

We had that happen too! My husband doesn't like to turn salesmen away right away because he does door to door sales too. They stayed forever. We were remodeling at the time and had tons of sawdust everywhere, so at least I got that cleaned up. After they finally left, we looked it up online on ebay and you could get it for about $400.

Kelly said...

Becky! We are sisters from another mother! I am tellin ya, I have this problem too. I just can't even open the door anymore cause I buy what they are selling. I hate to put a 'no soliciting' sign on the door. Last week a guy ignored the sign and he sold me this horribly overpriced cleaner that I didn't even need {{sigh}} I have got check out the window from now on. I am a sucker for the speeches. lame.

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness, 3 1/2 hours and 2,650 for a vacuum! You could have your carpets professionally cleaned every week for that price! Too funny! Thanks for sharing :)!

Kristin said...

I feel for ya Becky. When I made the mistake of letting the kirby guy in our house, he left those little filter things all over too...and sent Matt to the hospital with the worst asthma attack he's ever had. I love the pictures.

Aynna banahna said...

I hate the door to door people. Usually I'm pretty good about saying no, but April conference 2009 this kid stopped by selling cleaner, for like $40 and I ended up buying it. It was so stupid! And our water softner. Also the worst financial decision we've made. Don't even get me started!

Kourtney said...

My friend had a kirby salemen come to her home and the slaemen threw her vacuum outside and said it was crap. They are not very good at selling vacuums offending yes.

Romney said...

First, of all, I absolutely love that you took pictures of it! Second of all, 3 1/2 hours! Are you serious? That's crazy! I don't like sales people either! I'm such a push over!! You guys are hilarious! I can't wait to move back up by you so we can play more!

Amanda said...

I had a very similar experience about 2 months ago Becky! Except... our guy wouldn't leave even after the 10th time of telling him we weren't interested! Patrick finally had to literally yell at him to leave and even then, while they were cleaning everything up.. he still tried to sell it to us! It was horrible!! They came to our house at 6pm and didn't leave until 9:45pm! Worst experience ever!!!!

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