Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Last Christmas

This was last Christmas when time was much less complicated. Can't we just go back to that time?

The whole family stayed in an amazing condo in Southern Utah it was beautiful. We had such a great time with the family, swimming, and playing games. It was here that Eric gave Derek his nickname D-stain! hahaha

I was trying to remember where Caleb and I slept and remembered we stayed with Adam and Cara. I lost my phone at their neighbors house. Pretty lame but not as frustrating as losing my wedding ring the next day. I think it was at the St. G-eorge Rec. Center, the good 'ole rec center. We had some good memories there. I think everyone lost in raquetball to Big Mike that day.

Caleb's little sister had these 3D glasses that made the Christmas lights looks like snowmen. We were showing her how cool they were. =)

1 comment:

Cara Rigby said...

and why exactly was last Christmas less complicated than this? I am coming up with no good reasons ;)

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