Monday, September 14, 2009

My Hero ...

I saw this on my friend Sierra's blog and wanted to share it as well. I've had classes with Meg too and she is completely amazing.

I have an amazing friend. Yes, most of my friends are amazing, it’s true. But this one particular friend truly is an inspiration to me. If I was asked who my Hero was, it would be Meg. (She is going to be totally embarrassed by this) But I think people should know what an amazing person she is… because I love her

Meg is an average person… happy, sassy, helpful, funny, spiritual, gorgeous, happily married to a wonderful man, and inspiringly optimistic about life. She is completely “normal” except for one thing—She is a quadriplegic

She and I shared the same major and minor in our undergraduate degree, and so we had MANY classes together. The more I got to know her, the more I absolutely adored her. Her strength and commitment amazed me. I could try to describe to you her story, but it’s something that is even more moving when read from her perspective. (Check out the website below) This video shows Meg doing her basic daily routine, and really makes me appreciate so much in my life.

Throughout my years of knowing Meg, I am more impressed with her every day. Ordinary things that we take for granted every day, like being able to grip a pencil or put on makeup, she struggles with daily. And yet, I have NEVER seen her without a smile on her face and a joke on the tip of her tongue.

During one of our many semesters together, Meg was describing to me a painful surgery she was having done on her hands. The end result would be that she could pinch with her fingers (I’m not sure all the technical stuff… it was awhile ago.) She functions well without this ability, and I asked her why she was bothering going through this VERY painful surgery for such a simple task. Her response brought tears to my eyes… “Well when I’m a mother, now I won’t have to change diapers with my teeth.”

This profound statement made me question my own gratitude (or lack thereof) for what God has given me. She has overcome so many physical and emotional trials because of her accident. She is not embarrassed at all by her disability, and uses it as an opportunity to help people reflect on their own problems.

One of my favorite memories of her was in PR class. It was in the middle of winter and bitter cold outside. There was a huge blizzard, and the snow was piling up. She came rolling in and sat next to me, as she did every day. I looked down at her feet, shocked, at her sandals. I said, appalled “Meg! Aren’t your feet freezing?!”

Instead of getting offended or telling me I was an idiot… Meg just busted out laughing. Once she caught her breath she reminded me “Sierra, I’m paralyzed!” And she proceeded to start laughing again. I could not help but laugh along with her! Even though it’s hard to not notice a wheelchair, I had become so comfortable with her that this fact completely escaped my mind.

As seen from the above pictures, Meg is a gifted artist (despite not having full use of her hands). She used to tease me, because I have full use of all my limbs and STILL can’t draw like she does! (Pathetic, I know, but not embarrassing because Meg is amazing like that). On top of founding the Ms. Wheelchair Utah pageant, drawing and selling calendars, and being an AMAZING motivational speaker, Meg has begun writing books. These books are short, but very inspiring. They tell her story, in a very personal and emotional manner. They have really made me reflect on who I am and my perspective on life.

If anyone is interested in reading her books, receiving her monthly inspirational message, or having her as a speaker at some event, visit her website. Trust me, you will never regret knowing Meg. And now you all know a little more about my personal hero :-)
Visit her website:


Kristen said...

So I was in this class with Sierra and Meg... I was sitting next to Sierra that day when she asked Meg if her legs were freezing. meg was always a good sport with us!

Marci said...

Thank you for putting that on your blog to inspire me. What an amazing girl. She's my hero, too! Janet

Sierra said...

Hey Kristen! I'm glad you remember that too... not embarrasing enough Ha ha!

Thanks for reposting this. Meg has gotten so many hits already from this blog, I'm sure she will get more with you too. Thanks :-)

Michelle said...

Wow, she sounds like an amazing person! We take so many things for granted.

Aynna banahna said...

I think I know her. I think I met her once when Derek and I were over at the Brazilian couple's house.

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