I keep reading all of the fun husband tags, so here's my take on Caleb!
What is his name? Michael Caleb Rigby
How long have you been married? 1 1/2 years
How long did you date? We’ve known each other since junior high, but we started dating in 2005, got engaged in 2006, and married in 2007.
How old is he? 26
How old are you? 25
Who eats more sweets? Caleb does... he eats all kinds of sweets and ice cream at night, and it never shows!
Who said I love you first? Caleb. He said, "I love you" and I said “thank you”
Who is taller? Caleb is 7 inches taller than me. I feel like we're about the same height unless we are dancing or taking a picture together.
Who can sing better? I love to hear Caleb sing to me, but he would say I'm a better singer.
Who is smarter? Hmmm... I would have to say Caleb.
Who does the laundry? Me
Who does the dishes? Caleb
His guilty pleasure? Early morning basketball and watching One Tree Hill with me.
Who mows the lawn? We don’t really have much of a lawn, but he did help me water the flowers. Besides you, who is his best friend? Probably Justin, Zack, or Dave.
Who cooks dinner? Me.
Who drives? Me. But, he tells me to, since I tell him how to drive anyway.
Who is more stubborn? That is really a toss up, it depends on the situation.
Who kissed who first? Caleb, and I giggled like a teenager. (I totally didn’t see it coming)
Who asked who out first? We were friends long before we started dating, but I remember the first time we hung out I invited him to come give blood at my ward blood drive. We ended up spending the whole night together. (Not that way!?!)
Who proposed? Caleb
Who has more siblings? He does, his mother had children by the litter.
Who wears the pants? Caleb, but I pick them out :)
What is your favorite thing about him? He's very silly and playful. He's very patient and would do anything for his family! He's the hardest worker in the entire world and does everything he can to make my life as easy as possible. Plus, I love that he lets me go on crazy shopping sprees.
Best Books to Read (Depending on Your Mood) Pt. 2
4 months ago
You are so cute! I think that you are neat too! Lets hang out soon!
That's our Caleb :)... cute post... maybe I'll do it about Justin if I get a chance.
YAY!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!! THat was fun!... Do another one!
I love that you know so much about your husband...it just shows how compatible you guys are! Hope you guys are doing well..it seems like forever since we've seen you! Take care and keep in touch!
Beck, I love your new layout...it is so much more you than that other boring one. Now all you need to do is post something new :)
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